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Hamster Cheeks

On Saturday I went to Vets4Pets at Pets at Home for my first vaccinations. I was given one injection with two vaccines in: Nobivac FeLV and Nobivac TriCat Trio. The first protects me from Feline Leukaemia and the other one protects me from Cat Flu. I was very well behaved at the vets and only meowed a little bit when I had the injection but soon forgot the pain when the vet gave me some treats!

When I got home I went straight to sleep but when I woke up I couldn't open my right eye and my whole face had swollen up. My parents rang the vet and they were told to bring me straight back. If anyone came near me or touched me I yowled in pain and was hissing. My whole body was sore and swollen. At the vets I had a steriod injection to bring the swelling down and also had drops put into my eye and told to come back the next day to be checked over. I came back home with some soft food from the vet and slept for most of the evening in my cat carrier.

I woke up in the evening and had some food and water and was back playing with my toys. The swelling slowly went down but my pupil stayed dilated from the drops. When I woke up the next morning my face was back to normal and I was back to my playful self.

Before and after my allergic reaction.

L: Before R:After (Couldn't put flash on because I wasn't allowed bright lights in my eyes but you can sort of see my huge pupil and puffy face).

At Vets4Pets on Sunday, the vet was concerned that my pupil had still not gone back to normal and that my reactions in that eye were not as good. She was worried that the reaction to the vaccine may have caused neurological damage. So she took a photo of my eye and asked us to come back again the next day. She also gave me drops that I have to have in my eye twice a day for the next week.

On the third visit to the vet my eye had completely returned to normal so no more visits for a while! They are contacting the manufacturer of the vaccine to report this reaction and will let us know the outcome. My mum has since looked online and read of other cats having severe reactions to this vaccine (particularly the FeLV one) so is unsure of whether to put me through having the next one in August. The vet has said that I will probably have to stay in all day as a precaution.

Thankfully, I am feeling much better now and have been spoilt with new toys and lots of treats over the last few days.

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